How Is Talalay Latex Different Than Dunlop Latex?

Even though they’re both latex, there are significant differences between our Talalay latex and Dunlop latex. They’re manufactured using different processes; it takes 14 hours to make a Talalay latex mattress core, but less than one hour to make a Dunlop mattress core.

But the most important differences are benefits to you. Here are six ways Talalay latex better serves you:

  1. Breathability
    Talalay latex is FOUR TIMES more breathable than Dunlop Process latex. Why? Talalay latex is aerated and has a large cell structure. Dunlop latex is denser latex and has a small cell structure.
  2. Pressure Relief
    Talalay latex is 33% more pressure relieving than Dunlop latex. Why? The vacuum process used in making Talalay latex allows for the latex to stretch like a rubber band so it conforms to your body. Dunlop latex is a poured process that creates latex which is less flexible. The rubber is more like the rubber in an eraser.
  3. Durability
    Talalay latex is THREE TIMES more resilient than Dunlop latex. Why? The Talalay latex process creates a round cell structure. As the latex is compressed, a round cell structure does not break itself down. The Dunlop Process creates a snowflake cell structure. As you might imagine, as you compress a snowflake cell structure, the material breaks down.
  4. Consistency
    Talalay latex is the same feel from top to bottom and consistent from side to side. Dunlop process latex is softer on top and firmer on the bottom. Why? The Talalay process uses flash freezing that prevents the particles from settling after curing. Because there is no freezing in the Dunlop process, particles setting in the latex during curing creating firmness on the bottom.
  5. Clean
    Talalay latex can wash out more proteins (which is a primary cause of latex allergies) than Dunlop latex. Why? The Talalay latex process uses a five-stage fresh water rinse process.
  6. Support
    Talalay latex provides not only pressure relief, but also support. Why? Talalay latex is a two dimensional material. It offers support and pressure relief. Dunlop Process latex is a one-dimensional material. It primarily offers pressure relief similar to foam.
What's The Difference Between Talalay Latex And Memory Foam?

Both Talalay latex and Memory Foam are marketed as the premium mattress materials, but they are very different.

How Is Talalay Latex Better For My Health?

The difference is in the chemicals. Many mattress adhesives contain a variety of toxic chemicals. Solvent-based mattress adhesives are filled with 48 toxic chemicals and foam has an additional 7. A Talalay latex mattress is just that, 100% Talalay. Our beds are made with water-based adhesives and contain 6 non-toxic chemicals (acrylate resins, diphenyl diisocyanate, Phenol-melamine resins, Phenol-urea, Polyvinyl acetate and waxes styrene- butadiene copolymer) and 3 natural materials (fats, hevea brasiliensis milk, and water.)

You spend about 1/3 of your year in bed, so it’s important to know what you’re sleeping on.

What Health And Safety Standards Does Talalay Global Operate Under?

Our Talalay latex Products are Oeko-Tex certified, Class I. Our Talalay is manufactured in Shelton, CT.

Oeko-Tex Association is an independent, third-party certifier. Oeko-Tex certification is widely recognized in most of Europe. It’s awareness in the United States is rising.

The Oeko-Tex 100 standard is concerned primarily with health and safety of textile products.

Textiles considered for this standard are classified into four categories listed below. Our Talalay latex is certified for Class I.

Product Classes


Textile products bearing the Oeko-Tex 100 certification mark are:

How Is Talalay Latex Environmentally Friendly?

The manufacturing process does not use solvents and does not damage the ozone layer. Talalay Global’s Talalay latex is certified by Oeko-Tex (Europe’s highest environmental consumer product standard) to be free of harmful substances or chemicals.

What Are The Reasons To Invest In A Talalay Latex Mattress?
  1. It offers “bottomless” pressure relief for your body. Whether you are on your back or side, you will have less pressure on more inches of Talalay latex. Did you know when you lay on your side, your shoulders and hips have 7 times more pressure on them than when you lay on your back? Pressure relief is important to your muscles and it keeps the blood flowing to your extremities so you don’t have numb fingers, hands and arms. But more importantly, your body responds to pressure by moving during the night which will likely lessen the quality of your sleep.
  2. It offers “uplifting” support for your body.Your body needs support. It needs it for ideal body alignment and ideal spinal alignment. The benefit of good support is good posture. We love the phrase, better posture at night equals better posture during the day. Talalay latex offers an effect that is not found with traditional bedding materials. Talalay latex is uplifting and it is also pressure relieving. All other materials in a mattress are either one or the other, but not both. Most people think they need a firm bed, but that is only partially true. They need a bed with strong support, but they also need a bed that offers pressure relief on top of that. Firm on the bottom and soft on top is probably a more ideal formula.
  3. It offers a “resilient” natural rubber construction.Most people want a mattress to last a long time. It is a big investment. Simply put, you can buy an $1,000 mattress three times over the years or you can buy one $3,000 mattress and have it last 15 years. Talalay latex is incredibly resilient. The easiest way to understand that Talalay latex lasts longer is to understand that Talalay latex is a rubber not a poly foam. Rubber is more resilient. It’s the nature of the material.
  4. It is Healthy By Design



Talalay vs. Dunlop

Not all latex is created equal. Talalay and Dunlop are the two processes used in mattress production. The Dunlop process was developed in 1929 and was the first method used to produce latex material for bedding.

As technology progressed, the Talalay process was developed by the Talalay family during World War II. The Talalay process is significantly more complex and costly, but produces softer, more buoyant and luxurious finished products.

So why is there such a difference? The Talalay process takes four times longer than Dunlop with two additional process steps—vacuum and flash freezing—which improve the consistency, quality and feel of the finished latex.

The vacuum evenly distributes the latex throughout the mold, allowing us to create precise and varied feels in the finished Talalay latex. A mattress is made more firm or plush based on how much latex is poured into the mold. With the Dunlop process there is little ability to vary the feel of the finished product because the liquid latex is poured onto a conveyor belt resulting in a dense piece of latex every time. The only way to soften the feel of Dunlop latex is to add “fillers” into the liquid latex formula, which can result in solid latex that is flaky and breaks down quickly.

The flash freezing step gives Talalay its consistent feel. Liquid latex is a suspension of rubber particles in water, like a shaken snow globe. Flash freezing prevents the latex particles from settling to the bottom while gelling into a solid product. This means that the resulting piece of solid Talalay latex has the same consistent feel from top to bottom, and side to side. The Dunlop process doesn’t utilize a freeze step. Therefore, the rubber particles settle to the bottom while the liquid latex is gelling into a solid form, resulting in a variation of feel from top to bottom.

Think of Talalay latex like a chocolate soufflé; although the process is long, the end product is a buoyant, airy, complex delight. Dunlop latex is more like a pound cake; tasty, but dense and flat in comparison.

Quality Testing

Only the best pass our tests. Every single bed goes through compression and impact tests to ensure durability and consistency.

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Compression Test

This test simulates the effect of body impressions on the latex after a person lies on the bed for extended periods of time. Latex mattress samples are compressed to 50% of their original thickness for 22 hours at 158 ° F. When removed, the percent loss in thickness is measured. The greater the loss thickness, the more likely the bed will take a body impression over time—which leaves you sleeping in a hole.

  Talalay Global Latex Imported European Talalay Latex Dunlop Latex
% Compressed 3.3% 5.7% 11%
Comparison  — 73% more compressed 223% more compressed


Impact Test

The impact test measures Indentation Load Deflection (ILD), a measure of firmness. The mattress core is ILD tested and then placed into a machine where a weight is dropped on the latex repeatedly for 24 hours. The product is then removed from the machine and allowed to recover for 24 hours. ILD is measured again. The greater the loss in firmness from first measurement to the second means the latex is more likely to breakdown over time. To ensure we produce the most consistent feeling products, Talalay Global ILD tests nine locations on every mattress core. We are the only manufacturer in the industry to do so.

  Talalay Global Latex Imported European Talalay Latex Dunlop Latex
% Loss of Firmness 6% 16% 18%
Comparison  — 167% more loss 200% more loss

Latexpedic Stores 907  Hollywood Way, (1/2 bl. S. of Magnolia Bl.,  Burbank CA  800-233-7382
12557 Harbor Blvd., (across St. McDonalds)CGarden Grove  800-824-3145
1035 E. Camelback Rd., (1 mi. E. of Central Ave.) Phoenix 800-733-1818
Open Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4  SERVING ALL AREAS 800-551-2010

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